Tap the icon at the upper right corner of the screen. (It is visible when you are on the Feed, Tasks or Scouting view.)
Here, you can adjust:
From that level, you can also clear stored data, share Arvorum and access information about the Plantix AI system, Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions, Imprint, and Licences we used to create the app.
Tap on the linked article section to jump to the instructions you are looking for, or scroll down to read all information.
Account settings
Tap Your Account at the top of the Profile view to enter the settings. Here you can:
- Edit your personal information - tap on the label to change your first name, last name or e-mail address. Tap Save to update the data.
- Change password - tap on the label, enter the current password and set up the new one. Tap Save to confirm changes.
- Delete account - Tap on the label only if you are sure you want to remove your account and all the data relating to it. This action is not reversible. You have to confirm your choice with the password. Tap Delete to finalize the process.
Swipe right to go back to the Profile view or tap the icon.
Unit system
Tap the Unit system category.
The bottom sheet will appear, where you can choose between
- Metric (ha, kg, °C)
- Imperial (ac, lb, °F).
Tap on the chosen system. Changes save immediately.
Tap the Language category. The bottom sheet will appear where you can see all supported languages:
- English
- German
- Portuguese
- Spanish
- Polish
The app's default language is based on your device’s language (if it’s not supported, the app is in English).
Tap on the selected language. Changes save immediately.
Notifications settings
Tap the Notifications category. Here you can manage e-mail and push notifications. Tap the selected notification type to edit the settings.
You can adjust the settings of each type of push and e-mail notification by switching the toggle
to enable, and to disable them.
The settings are independent. For example, if you disable Biomass vitality alerts push notifications, you can still receive them via e-mail.
Read the article to learn more about notifications management.
Swipe right to go back to the Profile view or tap the icon.
Offline data and maps
The Arvorum APP stores the content & data on your device, so you can access them in the offline mode. You can clear the stored data (cache) by removing stored biomass maps and photos.
Clearing the cache doesn't mean you lose data permanently! Once you are back online, the biomass maps and photos will load automatically.
To free storage on your device, tap Clear cache.
Swipe right to go back to the Profile view or tap the icon.
Share Arvorum
If you want to recommend the Arvorum APP, tap Share Arvorum and decide how and to whom you would like to pass the link. The available options depend on what device and applications you use.
If you want to collaborate with your team using the Arvorum APP, learn how to invite them to your farm! Read the dedicated article. |
Cookie Consent Management
If you want to change your privacy settings, tap the Cookie Consent Management category.
Here, you can display the details of the setting and change your permissions.